




2أ عمارات الجمعية التعاونية للبناء والإسكان ، طريق النصر - العقاد مول - مدينة نصر - القاهرة - مصر


أثبتت Elvem نفسها على مر السنين في سوق المحركات الكهربائية ، وأصبحت معيارًا للشركات المتخصصة. تعد محركات Elvem الكهربائية مناسبة لأكثر الآلات تنوعًا ومختلف الإستخدامات.وهي موجودة في جميع أنحاء إيطاليا وفي أكثر من 40 دولة حول العالم ، مع مخزون يزيد عن 95000 محرك.

Motors With Cast Iron Casing

Elvem supplies three-phase two-pole asynchronous electric motors in cast iron. The size ranges from MEC 160 to 450, efficiency classes IE4, IE3, IE2 and IE1.


Electric Motors In Aluminium

Single phase and three phase, with aluminium housing, with double polarity. The standard size goes from MEC 56 to MEC160, efficiency classes IE3, IE2 and IE1.


Elvem Drive

Inverters, inverter motor and static starters form Elvem Drive range are the most effective solutions to ensure efficiency and energy saving in industrial applications.


Elvem is Atex certified by Third Party.

Atex certification concerns the European market. For all products installed in potentially explosive areas in EU Member States, Atex certification, short for ATmosphères EXplosibles, is mandatory. Elvem manufactures asynchronous brake electric motors, Atex certified.

Electric motors convert electrical power into mechanical power. Each State has different regulations and directives to regulate the operation, according to environmental conditions, in order to ensure the safety of personnel and machinery in the areas in which they are installed.